Find out what pollutants are being released into your community - and who
is responsible.
(Environmental Defense)
Fact sheets on pesticides, information on alternatives and safety tips. State of the Air
2005 Report
(American Lung Association) - Scroll down page for report
Information on Clean Air Standards, indoor and outdoor air quality, diseases
and treatment,
and support to help people quit smoking.
 Environmental Protection Agency - Concerned Citizens Resources
"Startling study on toxins' harm" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
Washington State University findings show that disorders can be passed on
without genetic mutations.
"If a pregnant woman is exposed to a pesticide at the wrong time, the study
suggests, her children, grandchildren and the rest of her descendants could
inherit the damage and diseases caused by the toxin -- even if it doesn't
involve a genetic mutation."
Dr. Michael Skinner, Director of the Center for
Reproductive Biology at Washington State University, explains this does not
cause a change in the DNA sequence, but a chemical modification of the DNA.
This type of change is classified as an epigenetic change.
Secrets Exposé (A Moyers Report/PBS)
An "investigation of the history of the chemical revolution and the companies that drove it – and
how companies worked to withhold vital information about the risks from workers, the government, and the public."
"Regarding accuracy, every fact in TRADE SECRETS has been scrupulously sourced." 
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